No. XLII/2 (2020)

Crime predictors within city space

Stanisław Mordwa
University of Lodz, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Institute of the Built Environment and Spatial Policy
Patrycja Laskowska
independent researcher

Published 2023-02-15


  • urban crime,
  • CPTED,
  • shaping safe spaces,
  • environmental threat factors,
  • valorisation of threats

How to Cite

Mordwa, S., & Laskowska, P. (2023). Crime predictors within city space. Archives of Criminology, (XLII/2), 67–98.


The article presents the spatial distribution of environmental crime predictors, valuation of the impact of these factors on local security conditions and spatiotemporal patterns of crime within space of the Stare Bałuty housing estate in Łódź. The purpose of this study was to recognize the impact of spatial distribution of crime predictors on the pattern of urban crime. The main conclusion from this research is that the city space is diverse both in terms of identified crime predictors and the sites of committed offences. It turned out that the distribution patterns of these two phenomena overlap to a large extent, and that there is a tendency to concentration of crime in the immediate surroundings of the identified crime predictors.


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