No. XLIV/1 (2022)

Algorithm-driven populism: An introduction

Populizm oparty na algorytmach. Wprowadzenie

Leandro Ayres França
Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
Carlos Adalberto Ferreira de Abreu
Universidade La Salle

Published 2023-02-15


  • populism,
  • democracy,
  • technology,
  • algorithms,
  • social media

How to Cite

Ayres França, L., & Ferreira de Abreu, C. A. (2023). Algorithm-driven populism: An introduction: Populizm oparty na algorytmach. Wprowadzenie. Archives of Criminology, (XLIV/1), 229–251.


This paper introduces the concept of algorithm-driven populism, considering whether it has a consonant or a conflicting relation with liberal democracy. The overall argument is that social media platforms are not just new media used by populists; algorithms have co-constituted a new form of populism. Based on a literature review that connected different fields of research together in order to elucidate the relation between populism and digital media, this article details a few important features of social media platforms, examining how they set up specific affordances that endanger the values of liberal democracy.


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