No. XXIX-XXX (2008)

Model Assumptions and International Standards Related to Juvenile Offenders

Barbara Stańdo-Kawecka
Jagiellonian University

Published 2008-04-01


  • juveniles,
  • juvenile delinquency,
  • juvenile offenders,
  • penal law

How to Cite

Stańdo-Kawecka, B. (2008). Model Assumptions and International Standards Related to Juvenile Offenders. Archives of Criminology, (XXIX-XXX), 417–430.


The article analyses the international standards for dealing with juvenile offenders. The author stresses that the problem of juvenile delinquency should be considered first and foremost as a social problem that requires a response. However, an emerging challenge is to identify effective ways of responding to the behaviour of juvenile offenders. The study presents two models of dealing with minors – criminal and protective – along with in-depth characteristics of each. A separate place in the paper is devoted to discussing the following models: the minimum intervention model, the ‘Three D strategy’– characterised by a depenalisation of proceedings with juvenile offenders – and the model of restorative justice. The article also discusses the issues of new, contemporary ideas of dealing with minors, giving as an example the neo-correctional model. The author analyses the treatment of minors against international norms and documents. In the conclusion, Stańdo-Kawecka addresses the priorities which should be defined in the field of juvenile delinquency, referring to the need to develop a common European strategy to fight crime, among other things. Another conclusion suggested by the author is the need for academic circles in Poland to take an interest in juvenile delinquency even more than they have done so far.


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