No. XLIV/2 (2022)

Application of the policy constellations framework to the Polish drug policy over the past twenty-five years

Aplikacja ramy teoretycznej „policy constellations” do polskiego prawa i polityki narkotykowej na przestrzeni ostatnich 25 lat

Greg Los
University of Brighton

Published 2023-03-09


  • drug policy,
  • Poland,
  • ACF,
  • policy constellations,
  • pluralism,
  • NPS

How to Cite

Los, G. (2023). Application of the policy constellations framework to the Polish drug policy over the past twenty-five years: Aplikacja ramy teoretycznej „policy constellations” do polskiego prawa i polityki narkotykowej na przestrzeni ostatnich 25 lat. Archives of Criminology, (XLIV/2), 61–82.


Background: The aim of this paper is to explain change and continuity in the Polish drug policy over the past 25 years using the policy constellations framework (Stevens, Zampini 2018). Method: The policy constellations framework is applied to explain Poland’s adoption of solutions based on prohibition in the year 2000, and later from 2008 to 2016, in the context of novel psychoactive substances. The data comes from in-depth interviews with stakeholders (N = 18), including NGO workers, former ministers, government officials, journalists, a former police superintendent and a criminologist. Conclusion: The Polish drug policy is not a natural outcome of events, but it rather reflects moral preferences and material interests (e.g., the desire to reproduce political capital) of the dominant groups involved in shaping the drug policy.


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