- criminology clinic,
- social sciences,
- interdisciplinarity,
- offender,
- social actor,
- criminal law,
- third way of development
The article discusses the genesis, development, and prospects of clinical criminology. The author presents the new paradigm related to the School of Criminology of the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve. This problem is formulated in connection with the development of social sciences, more precisely with the theories of symbolic interactionism and social control. The text describes the birth and development of clinical criminology, with a particular emphasis on the works of Etienne de Greeff, Christian Debuyst and others. In this context, the author considers the need for a more dialectical way of thinking in criminology, as well as a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary understanding of criminal phenomena. As part of such a discussion, he analyzes the essence of the clinical approach, combines it with an interdisciplinary approach, and integrates the psychological approach into sociology, psychoanalysis, and psychopathology. He discusses the theoretical basis of such a synthesis: the concept of an offender as a social actor. The author evaluates the place and contribution of clinical criminology to world criminology, as well the impact on criminal policy and the development of criminological thought in Poland. The text ends with comments about the so-called third way of development of modern criminology, which would be the result of synthesizing various criminological approaches and concepts.
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