No. XLV/1 (2023)

Juveniles as perpetrators of the crime of abuse. What is the truth behind the statistics?

Juveniles as perpetrators of the crime of abuse. What is the truth behind the statistics?

Dagmara Woźniakowska
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Paulina Wiktorska
Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN

Published 2023-11-24


  • juveniles,
  • abuse,
  • maltreatment,
  • family,
  • violence

How to Cite

Woźniakowska, D., & Wiktorska, P. (2023). Juveniles as perpetrators of the crime of abuse. What is the truth behind the statistics? Juveniles as perpetrators of the crime of abuse. What is the truth behind the statistics?. Archives of Criminology, (XLV/1), 115–149.


One of the factors that characterises contemporary juvenile delinquency is the rise in acts with the use of violence (despite the general decline in the number of criminal offences committed by minors). We are observing more and more frequent involvement of minors in the crime of abuse, as defined in Art. 207 CC, which may also result from the addition of Art. 207 para. 1a to the Criminal Code.

Since the available statistics do not constitute exhaustive material for the authors, we address the nature of these acts (who are the victims, what is the nature of the violence and what can we say about the perpetrators) in our research questions and methodological assumptions. In order to investigate the problem, court files from all over the country were examined in a nationwide research sample. The target research sample included all 129 juvenile cases under Art. 207 CC, against which educational measures and a corrective measure were adjudicated in 2018. The research employed a questionnaire for examining the court files and the data was encoded in the software programmes Excel and SPSS.


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