No. XLV/1 (2023)

Denial and distortion of historical facts as a legal problem

Denial and distortion of historical facts as a legal problem

Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias
Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN

Published 2023-11-27


  • negationism,
  • distortion of historical facts,
  • genocide,
  • totalitarian regimes,
  • memory laws

How to Cite

Gliszczyńska-Grabias, A. (2023). Denial and distortion of historical facts as a legal problem: Denial and distortion of historical facts as a legal problem. Archives of Criminology, (XLV/1), 177–210.


The current complex reality is characterised by a multiplicity of competing and sometimes contradictory narratives regarding the history and memory of past events, including former crimes. It is accompanied by the dissemination – sometimes on a global scale – of deliberate falsehoods regarding historical facts. The review-type presentation of the response to the challenges emerging in this area in the European legal space is the subject of this article. In particular, it addresses the legal response to the denial of crimes of genocide and the increasingly frequent phenomenon of distorting historical facts, which is much more complex than the mere negation of historical truth. The article claims that so far, the European system has not found fully satisfactory legal responses to these problems.


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