Penitentiary law against the background of other branches of law and and selected problems of penal and penitentiary policies Paulina Wiktorska 377 - 390 2013-01-01
Human Rights and Detention in Polish Law and Practice Teodor Bulenda, Zbigniew Hołda, Andrzej Rzepliński 103 - 146 1992-08-19
Legal and institutional changes in the Ukrainian penitentiary system since independence in 1991 and in the aftermath of the Russian aggression on Ukraine Zmiany prawne i instytucjonalne ukraińskiego systemu penitencjarnego po uzyskaniu niepodległości w 1991 r. oraz jako następstwo rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę Liudmyla Dubchak 5-40 2023-03-17
Release on Parole of Young Adults in the Rulings of the Penitentiary Court Competent for the Penitentiary Facility in Włocławek Paulina Wiktorska 763 - 775 2008-04-01
Crime in Poland before 2020. Results of alternative scenarios of institutional and enviromental conditioning of crime Waldemar Florczak 427 - 480 2012-01-01
Partially Suspended Prison Sentences: Comments and Propositions Against a Background of Comparative Analysis of the State of Crime and the Current Reforms of Criminal Law in Poland and France Piotr Stępniak 327 - 346 2015-01-01
Young recidivists (aged 17-25 years) in the light of criminological research part I Stanisław Batawia 9 - 95 1965-01-01